Articles written about:
Business, ROI
Try a Search instead?
Web vs Website: 5 Key Differences
Is there a difference between the “Web” (World Wide Web) and a “Website”? Spoiler alert: it’s like telling apart a vast ocean from a single island. Be the smartest one at the digital beach and know how they relate!
How to Calculate your Digital marketing budget
How much should you invest in digital marketing? Is there a formula? What does it depend on?
Your Value Prop & Website: How to Create and Integrate!
Your company’s value proposition is arguably the single most important piece of messaging on your website. Learn what a value prop is, why it’s important, and how to weave it into your website (hint: it absolutely needs to be on a certain page!)
10x Content: What is it, Why you need it, examples
Interested in 10x content? So are we. Here’s what 10x content is, why it’s important, and how we helped one of our clients create 10x content (including the data to back it up!)
Website Makeover: How to Evaluate if You Need One
Think you need a website makeover? You have 2 options. You can blow it up and start anew (bring on the dynamite) or make small improvements slowly (grab the fresh paint). If you’re unsure, these 20 points will help you decide.
35 Ways a Web Consultant Can Help
Do you need a web consultant? What do they offer? How can they better your website? Here are 35 ways they’ll bring perspective, clarity & actionable advice.
Hire a Blogger or Write Your Own Blogs? 20 Pros & Cons
Bought into content marketing? Ready for blogging? Our ultimate pros & cons list will help you evaluate whether you outsource blogs or write them yourself.
Outdated Websites: 10 Perceptions that Damage Credibility
An outdated website sends the wrong message about a company. Here are 10 perceptions they disastrously create that can damage a company’s credibility.
Why a Brochure Website Doesn’t Work Anymore
Do you own a brochure website? Are you wanting a brochure website? Don’t settle. Listen, simple websites are good, but if you’re looking to just throw up some basic info on a website, be aware that brochure websites are ineffective and useless. Here are 5 major issues to be aware of.
Website Budget: How to Manage It, Prevent Going Over
Here are 9 ways that your new website could blow your budget. Either there’s “Not Enough”, something was “Unplanned”, or there were “Too Many”.